Comparison Hit

I held her hand, walked her into ‘dance class’ and she bounded off, twirling and jumping and running arms out wide. Wild hair, Mini Mouse joggers and jumper with two year old mess on the sleeves, full of life and expectation for DANCE CLASS! My Poppy stood centre of the room as others were sitting […]

The valley of the shadow of death..

I took a pregnancy test, was amazed that it had two lines, came down and announced to Lawrence that he was to be a Daddy for the third time! We couldn’t believe it but were so excited, from that moment we were a family of five now! The next day we gathered my family in […]

Poppy’s Pride 🦁

Just over a year ago I made a WhatsApp group, there are too many in the world, so I very much wanted it for one purpose & for people to not use it for more. I was about to have a baby. I wanted people to just pray when I went into labour and not […]

Joseph: Sharing Fatherhood with The Almighty

This Advent I have been obsessed with a new man. His name is Joseph, I have known about him for years-yet this year I keep thinking about him all the time! So last night, Christmas Eve at 1am I blurted down all I’d been pondering. This is a monologue style, so poets please don’t expect […]

Giant-Slaying Time

There is something strangely warming about being awake at 2am feeding baby when there’s rain hitting the window. I love the sound and feel of the rain pattering all over the glass and hearing the wind blow the trees (tree, we have one on the road outside!). I’m not usually up at this time but […]

I didn’t think I could say “Me Too”..but Me Too.

This week I had a very silly evening. My friend has bought a beautiful Mini Cooper convertible, so as Hurricane Ophelia hit Manchester, we decided to go for a drive around with the top-down listening to Spice Girls! After the often intense past few months of being very responsible and adjusting to a new-born, this […]

‘Nothing has changed’..

Sad, Angry, Desperate, Ashamed, Fearful, Broken, Overwhelmed, Hopeless…these are each words from a short scroll through my newsfeed. The emojis are 😢😞😱😤😪😭😫😡  I am sorry as today wasn’t what I voted, yet seeing these status’ made me start to wonder if I should be fearful, so I had to sit and pray. Amazingly my lion […]

New word..Obedience

A few months ago my car did that annoying thing where the battery ran out, maybe because I didn’t shut the boot properly which left the light on for hours.. Anyway, a wonderful friend came and got it started for me. Then I had to drive around and around while the battery charged. As I […]

He is Faithful

I don’t want to share this blogpost. I started writing it this morning when I felt more positive. When I was ‘high’ from a great evening at church (not how people normally get high, I know!). Then I paused it. Took my son and nephew to monday bible study/creche, all good. Then I lost my […]

Waiting for the flowers to grow…

Three years ago I wrote a blogpost about depression and anxiety. I remember feeling at my lowest point, genuinely worried that I had lost myself and unsure I’d ever be ‘normal’ again. I was unable to speak to anyone except my mum and my husband. As I wrote ‘Elijah Rest‘ blogpost, my Nanan was on […]